Please be advised: Only the state can give you the Hoisting License Test

Apply online ONLY at

 A. There are several locations for testing and the state will pick the one closest to you.
 B. You need a valid drivers license/copy, approved medical card/copy, check for $75.00 per license type- Ex: 2a1c is $150.00 (Credit card), completed application. Upload documents.
 C. The state is behind on processing, so be patient. (If you have forgotten anything they will contact you).
 D. If you need any help, contact me and I can assist whether you bought anything here or not.  Rick 508-212-4735
 E. My competition claims only they can get you a seat for two tests in one day. The fact is anyone gets two tests in one day.
  $75.00 gets you one test, $150.00 gets you two. You can check 2 boxes on one application.
We are approved by Massachusetts DPS/ OPSI:  Educated Operator
  F. State DPS/OPSI phone number for answers to state questions:   617-727-3200